Address : College of Engineering,Trikaripur,Cheemeni.P.O, Kasaragod.
Name and address of Affiliating University : KTU
Name and address of DTE or any other related State Govt. Office: CAPE Kerala
Date of constitution of Anti-Ragging Committee : 25/07/2018
Contact details of in-charge (Name, Address, Phone Number, Emailid):
Dr.Roshina K V
Mob No:+91-9496188272
EmaillD: [email protected]
Assistant professor in Mathematics, Department of Applied Science, College of Engineering Trikaripur, Cheemeni Post Kasaragod -671313
Date of constitution of Anti-Ragging Squad : 25/07/2018
Number of Surprise raids conducted by squad : Frequently
Number of ragging incidents reported : Nil
Action taken on reported ragging cases : Nil
Number of Monitoring Cell constituted : 1
Incorporation of directions as provisioned under clause 11 (a) of the regulation in the prospectus / advertisement issued for admission : Incorporated
Receipts of affidavits from the student and parent as envisaged under the regulation: Obtained The Vice Chairman will presided over the meeting to be convened on the issue. The meeting will be convened periodically at least once in every fortnight to review the situation, as to fortnightly compliance report is due to university for the first three months classes and monthly reports thereafter.