
  • Name of the Institution : College of Engineering, Trikaripur
  • Address : College of Engineering,Trikaripur,Cheemeni.P.O, Kasaragod.
  • Name and address of Affiliating University : KTU
  • Name and address of DTE or any other related State Govt. Office: CAPE, Kerala
  • Contact details of in-charge (Name, Address, Phone Number, Emailid):
  • Dr. Mohanalin Rajarathnam
    Associate Professor
    Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    Mob No:+91-8281821720
    EmaillD:[email protected]

  • Date of re-constitution of Grievance Redressal and Appeal Committee : 15/02/2021
  • Number of Grievances reported in 2020-21:Nil
  • To address the grievance of the students an advisory committee is introduced in 2019 B.Tech Regulation under the clause R4.1. The Principal assign a senior faculty member as Senior Faculty Advisor (SFA) for each class in discussion with the Head of concerned department. Two advisory meetings are convened in each semester to ensure proper redressal of the concerns raised by the students regarding internal assessment and attendance.

    Grivevance Redressal Committee


    If you have any grievance,Click here